森林的黑暗心脏 HD中字

Nikolaï was abandoned at birth and has been in foster care ever since. Although a family would like ...展开to give the sixteen-year-old boy a home, he decides to make one himself. He meets Camille, an intriguing fifteen-year-old wiseacre, and tries to convince her to make a child together. Nikolaï is convinced that he can handle any problem and wants to avoid at all costs that an adult thwarts his plans. Camille and Nikolaï flee together from the home and isolate themselves in the woods. In the heart of this gloomy, mysterious forest, Nikolaï will have to face his first feelings and learn to become a man. Soon, he feels that there are many things he cannot control.收起



沙漠伏击 6.4 已完结 When three Emirati soldiers are ambushed in a hostile territory, their commander leads a daring mi
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世界上最糟糕的人 7.9 已完结 故事聚焦当下的奥斯陆,围绕年轻睿智的女性朱莉展开。30岁的她仍徘徊在人生的十字路口,尽管她与事业有成的制图员阿克塞尔彼此相爱,拥有强烈的安全感,并很开心和他在一起,但她拒绝给渴望孩子的阿克塞尔生子
世界上最糟糕的人 喜剧 爱情 剧情
崛起 已完结 An isolated town in Alaska where a contamination occurs after a minor meteorite explosion.
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浴火鸟 7.7 HD 根据真实的故事改编,《浴火鸟》是一部冷战惊悚片,背景设定于1970年代的苏联。故事讲述,谢尔盖(Sergey,一名陷入困境的应征者,他的最好的朋友路易莎(Luisa),一位迷人有野心的基地指挥官秘
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暗夜浮魅 7.2 HD 暴雨之夜,一名神秘女子急敲一对老夫妇的家门,她有何求?擅长惊悚题材的阿根廷导演贡萨洛·卡尔扎达自编自导的最新力作,灵感源于他祖父母相知相守的关系。通过明晰的时间节点,将故事浓缩于一个晚上,以年近百
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恶灵交响曲 HD After surviving a violent encounter, renowned pianist, Amber Waltz, relocates to a rural farmhouse
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屠夫之子2 HD La Soga 2 is a suspenseful thriller and love story, where a former hitman fights to rescue the lov
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100小时游戏连打挑战 HD Can Kim Kanonarm beat the world record and play arcade games for 100 hours non-stop? A Danish feel
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海边最后的夏天 7.1 HD 12岁的Reyboy马上就要离开海边小村Karihatag,去大城市上学了。Karihatag是个人口稀少的村庄,居住在这里的人不得不忍受贫穷、过度捕捞以及人口外流引发的问题。为了更好的生活,Re
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四次旅行 7.1 HD 本片讲述了华裔导演刘毅(Louis Hothothot)旅欧多年后的回乡故事,通过个人的故事,展现了中国从1979年起实施的独生子女政策对一个家庭产生毁灭性影响。导演刘毅1986年生于中国。父亲因
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云雾中的孩子 8.9 HD Di與父母在雲霧裊繞的越南山區務農度日,她對外界和成長充滿好奇與想像。苗族赫蒙的村落裡盛行「搶婚」習俗,姊姊未成年就為人妻母,Di告誡自己別步上後塵,但除夕那夜,父母返家卻發現Di不見蹤影。導演長
云雾中的孩子 记录 纪录
封城 HD 在COVID-19大流行病开始的时候,丹尼是因危机而失去工作的外国工人之一。回国后,丹尼逃出隔离设施与家人团聚,却被他残疾的父亲盖恩的恶劣状况所欢迎。为了寻找一份体面的工作,丹尼寻求他以前的同性恋
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