After his parents mysteriously disappeared eight years ago, young Eric Dalaras embarks on a search f...展开or the truth and enters a frightening world. He and his sister Uma grew up with their maternal grandparents. Eric decides to leave his homeland to return to the place of his childhood, Cabo Qwert, where he wants to look for answers at the Tierra Incógnita horror amusement park, since this is where his parents were last seen. Together with his friends, his sister and his aunt, Eric must overcome his fears in order to solve the riddles that ultimately lead him to the answers to all his questions, which are hidden in a cosmos as unknown as it is dark.收起
6.6 更新至03集
剧情简介1999 伍德斯托克音乐节本应是一场庆祝和平、爱和伟大音乐的千禧年盛会。然而,这个节日却沦为了一场充斥着火灾、骚乱和破坏的大型事故现场。这部纪录片利用罕见的内部镜头和目击者采访,采访了令人印象
犯罪 惊悚 剧情
5.4 全6集
What is the formula for happiness? Alessandro Cattelan searches for the answer through interviews
Detective Inspector Mike Shepherd arrives on assignment in Brokenwood, a small town where memories
犯罪 剧情