Set during the last days of the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution. The Crimea Peninsula...展开 is the last stronghold of the White Guard, and the Red Army is planning the final assault. The first story line of the movie follows two Red Army soldiers: unlikely friends Nekrasov and Karyakin. The second story line is about a White Guard officer Brusentsov who is devoted to Russia and his cause but sees it being destroyed day by day.收起


两位同志 已完结


豺狼时刻 8.2 已完结 剧情:这是个诡异的故事,画家约翰和妻子艾尔玛居住在荒凉的孤岛上,画家经常为怪诞的梦境困扰,醒来他总是将梦境绘在速写本上。妻子有天碰到了一个精灵般的老婆婆,催促她去读约翰的日记,看后她发现了丈夫
豺狼时刻 恐怖 剧情
伊万库帕拉节前夜 7.7 HD 皮欧特尔是一个谦虚的农民,生活在一个贫穷的村庄,在一个不确定的久远的时代。他想娶可爱的皮多卡,但她严厉的父亲不允许。幸运的是,淘气的恶魔巴萨鲁夫在这片土地上游荡,并向他提出一个交易……
伊万库帕拉节前夜 奇幻 剧情