明天发生的事情 HD中字

An ambitious newspaper reporter (Dick Powell), eager to scoop the competition, wishes he could know ...展开the news before it happens. A mysterious old man (John Philliber) grants the reporter that power, even as he cautions against using it. Now able to predict the news 24 hours in advance, the reporter goes about scooping all the other papers, picking sure-fire winners at the race track, and enjoying life... until he learns -- in advance, of course -- of his own death. Our hero's problem: How can he keep the future from happening?(imdb)主人公每天晚上都收到一份次日早上出版的报纸,他获悉自己在数小时内即将毙命,然而他却幸存下来了。(乔治·萨杜尔《世界电影史》)收起


明天发生的事情 7.7 已完结


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