In a prison in the process of decommission, a handful of officers and the last remaining inmates awa...展开it transfer to a different jail. Over time, the written and unwritten rules in place seem to lose all meaning, and this community of men in limbo takes on a new and fragile form.收起


囚静 6.8 HD中字


你可曾见过萤火虫? 7.0 HD中字版 Rebellious, irreverent wunderkind Gülseren navigates loneliness, love and loss against the current
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今天世界交给我 HD中字版 A man finds out the child he has been raising for 9 years might not be his son after all. They the
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泳队的事 5.7 HD 以色列游泳界冉冉升起的新星埃莱斯,背负着家人的期待,来到位于荒漠的泳训营,与来自各地的选手,角逐代表以色列出征奥运的唯一门票。在那里,他认识了俊俏又充满天分的奈福,两人亦敌亦友,既是竞争关系,又被
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克拉拉·索拉 6.9 已完结 In a remote village in Costa Rica, Clara, a withdrawn 40-year-old woman, experiences a sexual and
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白色情人节2021越南版 已完结 那一晚她与她在街头相遇相约一起过马路,从此小白羊就对多金DJ上了瘾,日思夜想心心念念,无奈一个已订婚,一个走不出因在哥哥婚礼上被撞见与嫂子热吻导致母亲去世之困殇。然而未婚夫竟劈腿绿茶婊陷害女DJ。
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我的好友阿曼达 HD中字版 Jean de La Fontaine once said, Rare is true love, true friendship is rarer. The film is a love sto
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移山的父亲 HD中字版 50多岁的米查·贾努是一名退休的情报官。在发现自己和前妻所生的儿子在山区失踪后,他就像那些会关心孩子的家长那样,立刻踏上了寻子之旅。在几天的搜寻未果后,米查决定自行组织一个救援队,但这也引发了同当
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不要 10.0 已完结 Isn’t the trajectory of a shared life determined in advance Get married, have kids, be like every
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转折 HD中字版 Scared of life and lacking the courage to be himself, Ludovico lives hidden away in his grandmothe
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倒影 9.0 HD中字版 Ukrainian surgeon Serhiy is captured by the Russian military forces in the conflict zone in Easter
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胜利的形象 5.9 HD中字 灵感来自 1948 年的真实事件。埃及电影制作人哈萨宁的任务是记录对孤立的集体农场 Nitzanim 的突袭。当基布兹得知即将发生的军队突袭时,年轻但勇敢的母亲米拉被迫考虑战争的真正代价,并做出一个不
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