完全救赎第二季 第02集

Two years have passed since we left Daniele and the ship of madmen.Many things have changed: Daniele...展开 and Nina have become the parents of little Maria and shortly after her birth they separated. We find them fighting for custody of the little girl with the support of their respective, very different families.Daniele, after the intense experience he had during the CHT week, has chosen to become a nurse and, thanks to the intervention of Dr. Cimaroli, he is about to enter as an intern in the hospital where he was admitted.He has five weeks to demonstrate to the judge that this can become a stable job, establishing himself as a reliable parent. In this new role, Daniele gets to know the new patients in the dormitory, who force him to reflect on his excessive empathy towards the pain of others, and who risk derailing him again.收起



堡垒:戴安娜第一季 6.2 全6集 Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped ou
堡垒:戴安娜第一季 悬疑 惊悚 剧情
超性第一季 6.5 全7集 《超情色》由马特奥·罗韦尔、弗朗西斯·卡罗西尼和弗朗西丝卡·马佐莱尼执导,灵感源自洛可·希佛帝的真实生活。这是一个贯穿他童年生活的深刻故事,讲述了他的家庭、他的出身、他与爱情的关系,并揭示了洛可·
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猎金叛途 全6集 以19世纪中期的意大利南部为背景,从现代视角讲述匪盗现象。这部剧集灵感来自历史上真实存在过的男男女女,这些人在统一后的意大利成为农民革命的象征,他们的个人故事汇成一曲为自由而斗争的流浪者合唱。
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致我们渴望的人生第一季 全6集 变性后的格洛丽亚终于开始享受安定的生活,一名老友却在这时再次出现并带来一则毁灭性的消息,她的世界由此陷入一片混乱。
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律政女杰莉迪亚第二季 全6集 在这个关于意大利首位女律师的真实故事中,被禁止执业的莉迪亚·佩伊特准备提出上诉,借此推翻法院的判决。
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堡垒:戴安娜 全6集 Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped ou
堡垒:戴安娜 悬疑 惊悚 剧情
超性 全7集 《超情色》由马特奥·罗韦尔、弗朗西斯·卡罗西尼和弗朗西丝卡·马佐莱尼执导,灵感源自洛可·希佛帝的真实生活。这是一个贯穿他童年生活的深刻故事,讲述了他的家庭、他的出身、他与爱情的关系,并揭示了洛可·
超性 剧情 历史 传记
完全救赎第二季 5.2 全5集 Two years have passed since we left Daniele and the ship of madmen.Many things have changed: Dan